Web3 Penetration Test Overview

WEB3 penetration testing refers to the security testing of applications built using blockchain technology. The main goal is to find security vulnerabilities and provide repair suggestions.

How is it different from smart contract auditing?

WEB3 penetration testing and smart contracts are two different technological domains. Although both are related to blockchain, they have different focuses and objectives. WEB3 penetration testing refers to the security testing of applications built using blockchain technology. These applications are typically based on Web3 technology and include centralized exchanges, cryptocurrency wallets, DEFI, GameFi, and other application types. The main goal of WEB3 penetration testing is to identify security vulnerabilities in the application and provide recommendations for fixing them.

View typical risks in different project types:

Risks in GameFiRisks in DeFiRisks in CefiRisks in social media

Last updated